Time invested in myself..

My Investment in myself.
My great Investment and the most fun is the time spent exploring the great outdoors, visiting many wonderful urban green spaces, getting exercise and most of all getting unplugged.

My favorite place to go exploring is Fish Creek Provincial Park located in the south end of Calgary, Alberta. Fish Creek is one of the largest urban parks in North Americastretching 19 km from east to west and features 80 kilometres of paved and unpaved of trails and pathways. The park  is home to a large variety of natural wildlife, including deercoyotesowls, and beavers.

Getting unplugged from technology is my time to spend uninterrupted with friends and family or quality time alone. This gives me a opportunity to unwind and declutter from the week that was....and just chill!

So important to chill and have time for yourself..


This Week In Walking By Design...

This last Sunday we launched our Big Blue HoodieThe name Big Blue comes from the iconic blue whale the largest animal ever known to have existed. During the 20th century, the species was almost exterminated due to commercial whaling. The species has slowly recovered following the global whaling ban but it remains endangered and faces a number of serious threats including ship strikes and the impact of climate change.

For Sept., we are excited to offer a 15% discount on everything on Walking By Design online shop by using code Ocean in the check out. Plus we are donating $1 from every item sold to ocean conservation.

New to the Walking By Design
website is a forum page. This Allows the Walking By Design collective to start having open and respectful discussions and opportunities to offer feedback on the website content.

Any questions, please leave a comment. I would love to get any feedback on the updated website and blog..

See you on the pathways and beaches!



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