The barefoot shoe vs. The supportive thoughts

There has been a longstanding debate in the foot health community regarding the benefits of wearing barefoot or minimalist shoes versus shoes with support.
Proponents of barefoot or minimalist footwear argue that minimalist 
shoes will enable the foot to function as naturally as possible.

Some features of minimalist shoes include:
- Wide, naturally shaped toe box
- Flexible upper
- Thin sole

Barefoot or minimalist shoes strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your feet and ankles, reducing the risk of injury in your lower body. On the flip side, the supportive shoe camp believes supportive shoes will help alleviate stress on joints and provide support especially in areas like the arch and heel. Thus improving balance and stability particularly in older adults.

Some characteristics of supportive shoes include:
- Arch support
- Cushioned midsole
- Torsional stability 

Here's my 2 cents - as a shoe wearer👞👞👞👞

As an older adult, I firmly believe that supportive footwear is paramount. If your feet aren't happy, you're not happy. This is why I prefer supportive shoes. Having experienced several lower body and foot injuries in my youth, which have caught up with me and significantly impacted my feet, I require midfoot support to take pressure on the metatarsal joints (especially on my left foot). Without this support, it feels as though I'm walking on a bed of nails.

I argue that barefoot or minimalist shoes are for the young and spry, leaving those of us who suffer from...
  • -Bunions: A bony bump that forms at the joint where the big toe meets the foot, causing the big toe to angle inward. 
  • -Morton's Neuroma: A painful condition that affects the nerves in the ball of the foot, causing sharp, burning pain. 
-Hammertoe: A condition where the toes become bent, forming a "hammer" shape.

-Diabetic Neuropathy: Nerve damage that can occur in people with diabetes, leading to numbness, tingling, and pain in the feet. 

-Skipping rope: A totally Dad thing.

.....all crave supportive shoes, like a junkie needing their next fix. Supportive shoes offer that comfort and support needed to keep you upright while walking, hiking, or jogging.

My thoughts,

Thanks for reading,

Chris McKenna


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